Welcome to Markus Starke Management Consulting

Welcome to Markus Starke Management Consulting - Your partner for processes, organization and transformation.


Here I want to start sharing all kinds of content related to my own or my partners' business.


This could be...

  • news on my own business and service offers
  • insights into challenges that I am facing in projects (of course without publishing any confidential information or clients' names)
  • thoughts on articles and books I come across - normally somehow related to my business
  • input and guest articles from my partners
  • anything else that could be of interest

Please be aware that I might from time to time offer links to products (normally books I would recommend) on Amazon. Yes, I am registered for the Amazon partner/affiliate program. No, this has no disadvantage for you and will only serve as a minor contribution to maintaining this website.


I am really looking forward to sharing my thoughts here. Any feedback is welcome!


Markus Starke

Markus Starke Management Consulting

Your Trusted Advisor for Cybersecurity and Digital Process Transformation
CISO Advisor & Enabler for Your Process Digitalization Journey


Markus Starke Management Consulting, Langenhorner Strasse-Ost 5, 22399 Hamburg, Germany

Phone: +49 - (0)178 - 3575925

Email: markus@starkeconsulting.net