10. December 2019
https://www.intelligent-process-automation.net/ will be launched soon
23. July 2018
Already in April Florian Diesch - who just finished his bachelor's studies and now aims to start his master's - joined the company as working student. Florian in the meanwhile supports several topics: Research, among others on process mining, RPA and BPM-related questions Selected project tasks, e.g. preparatory desk research, data cleansing and documentation, but also sparring on conceptual or analytical questions Business development/marketing, including new content for the website (coming...
11. June 2018
Workshop with Kryon Systems at 3rd AI & RPA World Summit, discussing process discovery
04. February 2018
Looking for a working student - focus on process mining and RPA/robotic process automation
09. January 2018
In December 2017 I was approached to provide a statement on the 2018 perspective and trend for process mining. I intensely looked into this topic since 2016 and especially thought a lot about how process mining can fit into related methods and technologies. Although process mining seems to be overall a bit less attended and less popular than other topics such as Robotic Process Automation/RPA, I am convinced that it will become more and more important. As process mining can provide a really...
24. November 2017
Welcome to Markus Starke Management Consulting - Your partner for processes, organization and transformation

Markus Starke Management Consulting

Your Trusted Advisor for Cybersecurity and Digital Process Transformation
CISO Advisor & Enabler for Your Process Digitalization Journey


Markus Starke Management Consulting, Langenhorner Strasse-Ost 5, 22399 Hamburg, Germany

Phone: +49 - (0)178 - 3575925

Email: markus@starkeconsulting.net