Workshop with Kryon Systems at 3rd AI & RPA World Summit

14th of June I will join Darius Heisig from Kryon Systems ( and my highly valued colleague Eva Poetters ( for a workshop at 3rd AI & RPA World Summit 2018 in Berlin (


We will be discussing how process discovery and evaluation can be managed effectively within RPA projects and how this might change the way transformations are managed today.


Looking forward to the workshop and all contributions coming from participants and presenters!


More details can be found here:

Markus Starke Management Consulting

Your Trusted Advisor for Cybersecurity and Digital Process Transformation
CISO Advisor & Enabler for Your Process Digitalization Journey


Markus Starke Management Consulting, Langenhorner Strasse-Ost 5, 22399 Hamburg, Germany

Phone: +49 - (0)178 - 3575925
