Process Mining Trends 2018

In December 2017 I was approached to provide a statement on the 2018 perspective and trend for process mining.


I intensely looked into this topic since 2016 and especially thought a lot about how process mining can fit into related methods and technologies.

Although process mining seems to be overall a bit less attended and less popular than other topics such as Robotic Process Automation/RPA, I am convinced that it will become more and more important.

As process mining can provide a really objective basis for any process improvements and development, it will be an essential contribution to organizational development and digital transformation.


Please find the full statement together with some others here (in German):


For those who would like to get a deeper look I recommend to start reading Fluxicon's blog:


Feel free to contact me to discuss this directly!

Markus Starke Management Consulting

Your Trusted Advisor for Cybersecurity and Digital Process Transformation
CISO Advisor & Enabler for Your Process Digitalization Journey


Markus Starke Management Consulting, Langenhorner Strasse-Ost 5, 22399 Hamburg, Germany

Phone: +49 - (0)178 - 3575925
